Holy Spirit and Fire Service

This is not a normal service! We will tarry for the Holy Spirit until we are filled with His power. We will lock the doors of the church about 10pm and stay until noon the following day. We are seeking the face of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Everyone is welcome. Service begins @9pm on Friday, April 17th and ends @12Noon on April 18th.

Friends & Family Sunday

Come and join us for our Friends & Family Sunday on February 22, 2015, @ 10:30am.  Everyone is invited!! Bring all your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.  Let’s fill the church and glorify GOD!!


10th Year Anniversary Celebration

We are celebrating the 10th Year Anniversary on August 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2014.  We are going to have a great time of praise and worship, praise dancers, gospel singers, as well as a powerful Gospel play “Who’s Your Daddy?”.  We will have guest speakers, guest singers and so much more.  On the last night we will share a meal and fellowship over the meal and the Word of God.  Come and join us.